Dilution Chart

Dilution Ration
1 to 4
1 to 5
1 to 10
1 to 12
1 to 15
1 to 20
1 to 32
1 to 40
1 to 50
1 to 60
1 to 64
1 to 100
1 to 128
1 to 256
Oz. Per Gal
2 1/2

To Determine

Cost To Use:

Divide dilution into cost per gallon


  1. 1: 256 dilution selling at
    $12.30 per gallon:
    $12.30 / 257 = .048 or
    4.8¢ per gallon
  2. 1:10 dilution selling at $4.00
    per gallon: $4.00 / 11 = .36
    per dilute gal.
Ounces Per Gallon:

Divide dilution ratio into 128


  1. 1:85 dilution
    128 / 85 = 1.5
    Answer = 1.5 ounces per gal.
Dilution Ratio:

Divide ounces per gallon into 128


  1. 1 1/2 oz, per gallon dilution
    128 / 1.5 = 85
    answer = 1:85 dilution ratio

It is necessary to first convert
dilution to ounces for one gallon.

Example: Dilution is 10 ounces
per 5 gallons. Divide 10 by 5
(10/5 = 2) Answer: two ounces
per gallon. Now divide the ounces
per gallon into 128 (128 / 2 = 64).
Answer: use dilution is 1:64.

Parts Per Million (P.P.M.) Of
Active Disinfectant In Various
Use-Dilution Ratios:

Multiply percentage of active
disinfectant times 10,000, and divide
by use - dilution rate

% active x 10,000
dilution rate


Given active percentage if 4.5%.

  1. At 1:256 (1/2 oz. per gallon)
    (4.5 x 10,000) / 256 = 176
    ppm active
  2. At 1:128 (1 oz. per gallon)
    (4.5 x 10,000) / 128 = 352
    ppm active

U.S. Volume Equivalents

One Gallon
4 quarts
8 pints
16 cups
128 ounces

One Cup
8 ounces
One Tablespoon
3 teaspoons

One Pint
2 cups
16 ounces

One Ounce
2 tablespoons
6 teaspoons
One Quart
2 pints
4 cups
32 ounces

Metric Volume Equivalents

3 teaspoons =
8 tablespoons =
16 tablespoons =
1 fluid ounce =
8 fluid ounces =
16 fluid ounces =
32 fluid ounces =
128 fluid ounces =


1 tablespoon
1/2 cup
1 cup
2 tablespoons
1 cup
2 cups or 1 pint
4 cups or 1 quart
1 gallon

= 15 ml
= 118 ml
= 237 ml
= 30 ml
= 237 ml
= 473 ml
= 946 ml
= 3.8 liters

Temperature Conversions

°F = 9/5 (°C) + 32
°C = 5/9 (°F-32)

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